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PTEParis: Collins Aerospace showcases recently acquired FlightAware

Having acquired the digital aviation company, FlightAware, at the end of 2021 Collins Aerospace has been showcasing how data analytics and machine learning can improve decision-making and enhance overall airport operations during this week’s Passenger Terminal Expo (PTE) in Paris. FlightAware provides global flight tracking solutions, as well as predictive technology, analytics and decision-making tools, all of which are helping Collins unlock the full power of the connected ecosystem for its… ( 更多...

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sparkie624 18
So far, they have not affected the ADSB Home Receivers that report to them... I hope they keep the free accounts for the ones of us who provide the data.
RobertCote 6
Seems to be good news... I agree with sparkie24. I have been providing home receiver information for over 2 years and would like to continue participation!
sparkie624 2
I just got a 2nd receiver, but have not plugged it in yet. Want to set it up for the 760 (or what ever the new Frequency is) and get that working. Mine has been running for about 6 years now with minimal problems... (Of all things a "Wood Pecker" Pecked a hole into my Coax and was causing interference to my TV.... LOL, turns out he could not have chosen a better spot, Right hind the TV Antennas at "Exactly" 1/2 Wave length from the ADSB Antenna... A perfect Storm...
robert eagle 2
in reference to the "new frequency", I assume you mean 976MHz or have I missed something?
sparkie624 1
LOL.. No... I think my memory bank would the wrong data record... LOL (Showing my age!)
robert eagle 2
I really did miss something that time; the UAT frequency is 978MHz. How could I mess that up. (brain cells)
Timothy Clark 4
now this is pretty cool.
I use Flightaware on a regular bases and things like this is why I applauded the purchase. Money well spent. I think even systems like ARINC will benefit as well. Very exciting.
sparkie624 1
If you become an ADSB Feeder, the service is Free!
תמונות משגעות
brownbearwolf 1
Collins along with ARNIC, control the Global HF LDOC HF Network, ARINC via San Francisco and New York through area transmitters. Like Boeing who bought out smaller companies to lower supply cost, the energy field of an Aircraft OEM was altered and events occurred. With on screen display of traffic movements being controlled by a RadCom OEM, and the trend of public utilizing Jet Charter Companies for global transport moving away from their airline supply. Privacy will be an issue with many people not wanting or desiring such freedom of information being issued. Will bring a trend where on screen tracking of ATS Flights, will vanish. In the future if one wants to look at aircraft movement, one will have to a part of that flight or pay an exceptional user fee.
Stefan Sobol 1
ARINC is also a Collins company.
brownbearwolf 1
Yes I know of that and left the link out of the comment. When a shop owner opens a business selling items X and is successful with that business, then sells up leaving an empty shop which is bought by another business who want to sell item Y, they will soon go out of business. The energy of the original OEM products when changes leads to an eventual downfall of the business. Boeing own Jeppesen, Go-Pro and other business, and look what happened to the Max 8.
Ro Abreu 1
Dear Mr Negrette, I would appreciate if you could tell me if you are related to Athur j. Negrette, who used to live in Sacramento, CA, until some years back. I was his school mate at UC Berkeley back in the 70s and visited him some years after we graduated but lost contact with him after that. If you think it is proper and if you are related to him and if he agrees for you to send me his email address please reply to me through Thank you. Ron Serta
Aaron Prosser 1
Presumably the price for FA Global Gold will go up 300 percent
Scottie Vbythec -1
Maybe it’s because I’m a basic user the site is full of bugs to the point you can’t use it
الطيران الرقمي (Digital Aviation) استخدام التقنيات الرقمية والذكاء الاصطناعي في صناعة الطيران والسفر الجوي. يشمل ذلك استخدام التكنولوجيا الحديثة مثل الحوسبة السحابية والتحليلات الضخمة والاتصالات اللاسلكية والأتمتة والطائرات بدون طيار والتكنولوجيا المحمولة على الجسم والتي يمكن أن تحسن تجربة السفر الجوي وتحسين كفاءة العمليات.

يستخدم الطيران الرقمي في العديد من الجوانب المختلفة لصناعة الطيران، مثل التدريب والصيانة والإدارة والتسويق والحجز والتشغيل. وفيما يتعلق بالركاب، يمكن للطيران الرقمي تحسين تجربة الركاب من خلال توفير خدمات ذكية ومعلومات دقيقة حول الرحلات وتوفير الإرشادات اللازمة لتحديد المواقع وإدارة الوقت وتحسين الراحة والأمان.

وبما أن الطيران الرقمي يعتمد على التكنولوجيا الحديثة، فإنه يساعد على تقليل الأخطاء البشرية وتحسين كفاءة العمليات وتوفير الوقت وتحسين الأمان والراحة والتجربة العامة للركاب.


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