Langley is right up the road from here and I see and hear at night many jets and maybe otherworldly things that do not show on adsb or other trackers.. Bombing range is maybe 15-20 miles away and you never see those planes on trackers... but it does rattle the china occasinally.. Like to watch AF1 and Ukraine activities, but sometimes those activities are altered or blocked... ADSB is designed as an extra measure of safety and should not be altered for corporate or private whims... And the military provides their own situational awareness and needs for secrecy.
I remember flying maybe 15000 feet in heavy snow over the Rockies in a C404 and looking out the left side at the cherry red glow in the cowling vent holes. Wondering a bit, I decided to look at the right side cowling and sure enough, and slightly reassuring, there was a red glow there too.. Just the turbos GLOWING RED..... You sure don't want any of that getting loose in the engine compartment.
I think half the parts on on some old A/C are off old Fords or Tractors... I had early hydraulic brakes on an L-16 and the rebuild part was an auto part and some landing gear'packing' was a plumbers supply product.
Had an old C182 with the fuel cap AD once... Climbed to altitude and right tank was 1/2... Looked at Rt wing and fuel was streaming off... H.mmm...Switched to Left tank,Landed, gased up and carefully put on cap as per AD... Flew home and had cap AD done by A&P. Expensive lessons
I used to keep my hand on the wheel every time I touched the auto switch... Sometimes that servo is holding a lot of stick pressure you are unaware of... Flew a fighter jet simulator once with a wacky trim switch and it was like wrestling a bear.