Still my favorite to fly, of my dozen years as Capt. on the 76/75 family. Having been retired now for over 22 years, the 757 still holds a SPECIAL place in my heart.
To "frequentfly.guy". As a 30+ year retired major airline pilot, I wish you had been on a couple of my flights, over the years. THANKS for your support of the hard working flight crews.
Heard from ONE friend, that she couldn't read the WHOLE story, UNLESS she subscribed to the newspaper.She probably couldn't find that much interest in a "Salt Lake City" newspaper, being as she lives in Poland. I got the whole story, maybe because I have 2 "Ad Blockers". R I P Gail!
Don't talk it up too much. The airlines may find a way to motorize those shades. "Those passengers in window seats, who desire to raise their shades, please have a credit card available when the flight attendant passes by." Or maybe they could put coin slots on the bottom of the sills with instructions- Please deposit $1 for 3 minutes of viewing.Exact change required.