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Americans Will Soon Need Authorization to Travel to Europe

U.S. passport holders looking to take a trip across the pond in 2024 will need to take heed of this new travel requirement. Americans who previously did not need a visa to travel to Europe will now need to fill out an online application before visiting. ( 更多...

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aurodoc 27
I am not surprised. Most Europeans need to apply for an ESTA visa waiver before entering the US. Pretty cheap at 7 bucks for 2 years.
John D 26
Seems only fair. When I have traveled to the EU, I have always been warmly welcomed. When I come back and see how EU citizens are treated, I am embarassed.
Tom Zaidman 4
Miami can be hell, often one or two hours lines to enter. No special line for mothers with children, elderly unless wheel chair this for all passengers except American citizens who have special lines but they sometimes also have to wait.
jena weber 3
Miami is Hell.

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David Rice -5
you are a dick.
SkyAware123 -6
how exactly is that ? Verify if you're eligible to be in this country ???? get a life
John D -3
Tell me you are a jerk, without telling me you are a jerk.
SkyAware123 0
You're welcome

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Robert May 6
<sarc>I certainly would balk at $7 on top of my $958 air ticket, 10 hotel rooms averaging $80 plus food. Straw that breaks the camel's back.</sarc>
Ken Jackson 5
There are $80 hotels in NYC?
Yes, but that is the hourly rate.
Jim Allen 3
Yeah, but you don’t want to go near them :-) Actually the best scam I saw was someone parked a van with a couple of beds in them on one of the midtown streets. I only know it because I happened to be passing by it as the door was open. It had Jersey plates so the guy probably charged them $50/night. One of the things I really enjoy reading about is the creative scams. I’d never do them but sometimes I’m just like … damn.
SkyAware123 0
how is it a scam if both parties agree to it ? explain.
Joe Keifer -4
Illegals pay zero.
David Rice -1
I invite you to sleep where they do. Of course not, you are a soft and weak person.
Bill Overdue -4
Even if there was a $80 room in NYC,"and there's not"... an illegal alien would be in it, trashing the place and bitching how bad the free food is!
Yep, after they were brought here by jolly green giant agribusinesses to pick the food in my salad, cleaned the potty and did the laundry at the hotel, tarred the roof of my house, got my golf course ready for Spring opening, all while having social security deducted from their paychecks which they’ll never collect…rotten ‘illegal aliens’. Funny how folks blame powerless little people for their anger when it’s the greed weasels at the top, like Trump who hired several cheap foreign laborers as his upstairs maids when he move to Marl Lago. Types like him provide plenty of incentives for our guest workers who were victimized south of the border.
Bill Overdue -2
Spare me, are you suggesting America needs 60,000,000 lettuce pickers and Las Vegas maids? No, we don't, and that's not why Biden won't shut it down. He's single handedly changing the demographics of the US, and no one cares!
SkyAware123 4
ofcourse. Hence the hard push for legalizing all these people. Instant new demorat voters.
That it is indeed the objective but the funny thing is, most of these people just fled a socialist country and have far more political sense than the average American. Ask anyone from Cuba or Venezuela how they'd vote, if given the chance.
David Rice 0
WHEN given the chance, not IF. So, what are Republicans afraid of? If all the scarry immigrants are voting Repub, what you worry? Fake patriots like you make the rest of us sick.
SkyAware123 -2
Completely agree. They actually do work harder than the average snowflake-in-a-basement and quickly become capitalists and vote conservative. I know many personally
Kevin Smith 0
You are quite the trumpanzee.
Bill you are wrong on all three points.

Most importantly it is not 60,000,000 or anywhere near that, secondly it goes way beyond lettuce and Vegas (for example just stop by any building site near you!), Biden can't shut it down due to Republican blocking in Congress and also due to US treaty commitments.

For years Democrats have tried to get a workable Immigration Reform bill through Congress.

The issue has always been than Republicans have blocked it because it would mean actually dealing with the root of the problem : the hiring of undocumented people by business. Businesses create the demand and poor people are just reacting to that demand. They don't want to be held legally responsible.

When the economy basically shut down during COVID there was a matching drop in undocumented people. Now that the economy is back at full strength the demand of undocumented has returned and there are now more people responding to that demand. For all his posturing Trump effectively accomplished very little (except for stripping young children away from their parents) in regards to illegal immigration UNTIL COVID shut down demand in 2020.

THe math is pretty simple: no demand for undocumented people = low illegal immigration.
SkyAware123 1
No you fool, the root of the problem is people walking across the border unhindered.
AWAAlum 3
No need to be rude in order to attempt a point.
Just ask yourself why......Don't just look at the symptom...look at the cause.
Also ask yourself why the Republican party has been blocking meaningful Immigration reform.
The border being wide open IS the cause, not the symptom.
The problem exists because someone is benefiting. Otherwise, it would be fixed.
The solution is extremely simple but the political class doesn't want a solution.
Or, more accurately, the *owners* of the political class don't want a solution.

You're take on the problem is highly partisan and equally naive.
This country was highly prosperous for nearly 175 years without the need of millions of undocumented immigrants. Young people were actually able to find jobs that paid a decent wage and become independent. In the 1960s, a full-time gas station attendant made enough money to afford a house and his wife could stay home.

Yes, you should look at "the cause". But quit assuming it was some unintended thing that "just happened". Who benifits?
AWAAlum 3
Unless you're Native American you along with the rest of us are all immigrants.
No, I was born here.
I am the great-great grandchild of immigrants but I, myself, did not immigrate from anywhere.

I am very aware that this country is made up of immigrants and their descendants.
Why don't you go back and *carefully* read what I said instead of trying to score leftist talking points. You missed a key word.

You might also want to look up the definition of "immigrant".
David Rice -3
Your ancestors were wetback illegals. Thanks for admitting your wetback non-american origins. Are you shamed yet?
Nooge 2
Of course people are coming to the Border
You party keeps announcing 'we have open borders"
Yes "somebody" is benefiting ....mostly it is those who hire undocumented.
To continue.

One point to note is that for most of the country's 175 year history there was no "undocumented immigrants" - it is a recent idea to limit immigration.
This is true but one of the key differences between then and now is that the immigrants of 18th and 19th centuries (and for the first part of the 20th) did not come here expecting free hand-outs from the government. This is now a major incentive and it's unsustainable.
It's also intentional.
David Rice 0
Glad you admit that big business is the cause of “open borders”. Which political party touts their support for big business? You finally guessed it: Republicans are responsible for the “open borders” you clearly eschew.
Nooge 1
Republicans have been broadcasting we have "open borders" since Trump lost is 2020
redsquare44 1
State Department numbers say that over 25 million people would immigrate to the US immediately if allowed to. At present, we only allow 1-1.5 million in legally. Get in line and sign the guest book. Only about 25,000 folks are granted asylum each year.
Nooge -1
By BERNARD CONDON Associated Press

Two women who cleaned rooms set aside for President Donald Trump at one of his golf resorts in New Jersey say they used false papers to get hired, their supervisors knew it and that many employees there also lack legal documents.

Anibal Romero, a lawyer representing Victorina Morales and Sandra Diaz, said on Thursday that the two used false Social Security and permanent residency documents to get jobs at Trump's golf resort Bedminster, New Jersey. He also said that a supervisor hurled racial epithets at the women and threatened them with deportation to get more work out of them.

The two are now considering a lawsuit against the Trump Organization for workplace abuse and discrimination. One of them, Morales, who says she cleaned Trump's clothes and toilet and made his bed, is also seeking asylum.

"This isn't a hotel with 300 employees — they were both in charge of cleaning the president's house," said Romero, referring to a guest house on the property set aside for Trump. He added that Morales, 47, was repeatedly called a "donkey" and "dog" by a supervisor.

The Trump Organization did not answer questions emailed by The Associated Press about the allegations, but said in a statement that it has the highest standards for job applicants.

"We have tens of thousands of employees across our properties and have very strict hiring practices," the company said in an email. "If any employee submitted false documentation in an attempt to circumvent the law, they will be terminated immediately."
David Rice -1
“…nearly 175 years without the need of … undocumented immigrants…”
When exactly do you think these 175 years occurred? Before there was any real immigration system, beyond ‘you look sick’. That makes YOU the wetback.
John D 0
State your sources
Nooge 1
Its ByeDon and The Commander in Cheats acceptance is overdue
John D 0
Let me guess, you are a replacement theory bigot?
Andre Page 4
Check out California demographics...
SkyAware123 3
nope. Just law abiding. Simple. Yet so many don't understand it or choose to pretend it's not there. I'd be happy to swap the ignorant non-law-abiding fools for law-abiding immigrants who came here the correct way. We would all be better off.
Ro Bo 1
its not a "theory" its an official strategy as evidenced in the UN report .
Luis Ribas 2
We started it. We've required it from all Europeans for several years now... The permit is good for two years
patrick baker 20
just view it as an equivalency aggrevator for all the silly obstacles we put on other folks from other parts of the world.
nico esmin 19
as a french citizen, the US ESTA is required for my travels to the US or even only for a connection flight in the US on the way to another country. It costs 21 USD and is valid only 2 years. some comments here obviously are not coming from the smartest US citizens…
Certainly not from the most well informed.
John D 1
Indeed, mostly the 'get off my lawn' and MAGA crowds
Bill Overdue -1
You "kind of sound like", a person that gives crack pipes to addicts and calls it, just helping them out?
Right, the communist again.

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nico esmin 0
😃european greeks are not that aggressive…
Fred Heasley 22
Earlier this year we travelled to New York and were required to purchase a visa which cost $40. So what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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John D 9
Says the person who has never been to NY

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Nooge 2
Here we go another parrot repeating his "wpke" grievances

He cant afford New York

Hate to bring facts in to it but most crime ridden states are red

Mobile, Alabama is one of America’s most crime-ridden cities, ranking first for murder, rape, aggravated assault, burglary, and larceny rates.

The murder rate in Oklahoma City is 11.40 per 100,000.

The murder rate in Nashville is 12.08 per 100,000.

The murder rate in Louisville is 13.92 per 100,000.

Ohio's statewide homicide rate is 49% higher than New York City's overall rate of 5.8 homicide deaths per 100,000 residents, The News' study found. Ohio's homicide rate is also 87% higher than New York's statewide rate of 4.6 homicides per 100,000 residents.
jena weber 3
You forgot to mention the crime rate of Baltimore, Chicago, and LA/SF.
Red - Blue, who cares?
Nooge 0
They are lower

Learn how to search

Please tell me you dont fly planes
AWAAlum 0
Please tell me you don't fly planes.
why didn't you mention Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago or New Orleans?
Nooge 0
Google it

It is lower dummee
Funny thing is, back in the good old days Republicans like to compare with today, there were next to no deaths from guns in my home town of 750,000 cuz we didn’t have any to carry…openly or hidden!…save for the police, Feds and a handful of whackos…well guess I better leave in the whackos today as they’re still allowed to strut around with pistols or assault weapons stuffed down their pants. Finally, psychologically I’m told, it’s hurt people who are most likely to want to hurt others…so stick a gun in their pockets and ‘pop’ does the weasel…as the saying goes. Funny, but no one was ever shot at a night club, little league game, high school sports event, road rage incident…much less 23 toddlers and their teachers splattered all over the walls cuz the parents of a tragically ill adolescent didn’t lock up their weapons of locally mass destruction. Golly, maybe the good of days were better after all!
Kevin Smith 1
It would have been so nice if COVID
Kevin Smith 0
had done a more thorough job. Fewer trumpanzees would have been such a nice consequence.
Flawed logic. The mass shootings have nothing do with the right to carry.
But more importantly, there are no law-abiding gun owners going around shooting people.

It's something the anti-gun crowd just can't comprehend for some reason.
Criminals don't obey the law.
John D 3
Help me figure this out. Someone goes out and legally buys a gun, that makes them law-abiding
because no authority would let a criminal buy a gun, right? Then they mow down a school yard full of 4th graders now they are not law abiding?
There's flawed logic, but it's not Larry's
The only reason school shootings are allowed, and they are by the way, is because DIMMS need a scapegoat, sadly kids, to take away legal firearms from owners. Why else would police officers be told to stand down in Uvalde until "our people" arrive from 90 miles away? While we give $125+ billion to a comedian turned dictator we can't protect children from trans killers? Why is it OK for someone to be shot every 3 minutes or shot and killed every 13 minutes in the DIMM cesspool of Chicago and nothing is even said! Over 3,000 shot EVERY year, and not a peep from Democrats. The largest "mass school shooting" is just a normal holiday weekend in Chicago, and crickets! They don't want it to end, they need a reason to take away legal guns! You have no logic!
No, you just proved my point. No one who mows down innocent people are law abiding.
Further, I suggest you study up on the last few mass shootings and you'll find that these people did not obtain their guns through normal means and almost all of them were on psych meds.
But more to the point, the fact that they shot up a bunch people makes them non law abiding, doesn't it?

But you also prove my point by suggesting that banning guns would solve the problem.
Are you under the impression that these people hitched up to Dick's Sporting Goods, filled out an application, waited 3-5 days for a background check and then obtained a weapon?

As I said, criminals don't obey the law.
John D 1
Haven’t been to Texas lately.
You seem to be of the opinion that filling out an application and waiting a few days should always result in an approval. Not if the system is doing what it is supposed to be doing. In your example you imply application equal’s approval. That is incorrect. I think the real issue is people who are against any restraint in the issuance of formal approvals think this somehow infringes on their rights. Another solution is to do what Australia and Europe have done and solve the problem at the root.
Really? Have you been paying attention to what's going on in France right now? There are riots in several major cities where people with fully automatic weapons are walking around shooting at civilians and the police.

But..but.. guns are ILLEGAL in France..
No shit?

When you disarm law-abiding citizens, the only people with weapons will be the criminals. They aren't going to turn in their guns because someone passed a law.
Kevin Smith 1
"Mobile, Klanabama is one of America’s most crime-ridden cities" There. I fixed it for you.
I knew John Nooge would chime in with his cherry picked data, carefully avoiding the most blatantly problematic cities, controlled for decades by the party of his identity.

Here's a fact:
Remove those cities from the equation, and the United States' status of 3rd highest in the world for murder, drops to 189th (out of 192 countries).
Nooge 1
Here are the 10 states with the highest crime rates:

District of Columbia - 7,986 per 100,000 people
New Mexico - 6,462 per 100,000 people
Louisiana - 6,408 per 100,000 people
Colorado - 6,091 per 100,000 people
South Carolina - 5,973 per 100,000 people
Arkansas - 5,899 per 100,000 people
Oklahoma - 5,870 per 100,000 people
Washington - 5,759 per 100,000 people
Tennessee - 5,658 per 100,000 people
Oregon - 5,610 per 100,000 people

I know you are a Trumpee whose white grievance gets in the way of reality

Are you vaxxed he is a fact

Pro-Trump counties continue to suffer far higher COVID death tolls
More specifically, the researchers say, their adjusted analysis found that "the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters" after vaccine eligibility was opened.
The different rates "were concentrated in counties with lower vaccination rates, and primarily noted in voters residing in Ohio," according to the study that was published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine on Monday.
It's the latest research to suggest the perils of mixing partisan politics with medical advice and health policy
You poor thing.
Bill Overdue -8
Are you high? You're calling out Democrat run cesspools! Might as well add Chicago where someone, 99% chance he's a Black male, age 17-25 is shot every 3 minutes or shot and killed every 13 minutes! And Detroit, St Louis, Philadelphia, Newark, Little Rock, endless cesspools. Oh wait, that goes against your analysis!
David Rice 2
Funny, repubs talk about “democrat led cities”, like there are ANY republican led cities. Towns, maybe. The largest two repub led cities: Ft Worth TX and Jacksonville FL, both under a million people. Can we just say “Cities”. You know where the NON-HICKS live?
Jim Allen 1
Upstate is different - it should be it's own damn state. I guess you have some problems with downstate that puts more money into Albany's coffers than upstate. Listen, I know NYC has its problems but it seems like upstaters relish in them. You can't be happy with a deer season that runs all year, because locals don't get banged by the DEC. It's not that I have a problem with people living their lives they way they choose unless someone starts banging on downstate.
Because Paris is so nice.
Okay, I surrender....... LOL....
Tedd Steele -1
Notice how it takes WokeMan 9 sentences to keep LA and NYC afloat... hahahaha..
John Taylor 0
According to the US Gov website, the fee is $21. How did you get charged $40? And it's not a Visa. According to the website:
"ESTA is not a visa. It does not meet the legal requirements to serve in lieu of a U.S. visa when a visa is required. Travelers that possess a valid U.S. visa may travel to the United States on that visa for the purpose it was issued. Travelers traveling on valid visas are not required to apply for an ESTA. In the same way that a valid visa does not guarantee admission to the United States, an approved ESTA is not a guarantee of admission to the United States."
Stef Lar 5
Re-read; Fred said “we”, which usually means “more than one”. $21 x 2 = $42, which, lo and behold, is about $40.
There just liars.
John D 4
John D 22
With all these negative comments, it reminds me of when I travel in Europe, I can always pick out the Americans.....
Jim Allen 6
I do have to admit.. I could see myself being obnoxious about ice and air conditioning. If I were going to the continent I’d probably go in the fall or early spring
Kevin Smith 3
...the Trumpanzees. There. I fixed it for you.
Jim Allen 0
All the entitled ones 😂😂😂

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But not English as shown by a post above…
Joe Keifer 1
With that last name I figured that you were from the Lost Continent of Atlantis.
Heike Becker 12
Why do US citizens only have to pay 7 $ for the ETIAS which is valid for 3 years and they take 21 $ for the ESTA from us Europeans and it's only valid for 2 years?
John Taylor 3
Maybe because there are more US citizens bringing tourist money to Europe than there are European citizens bringing tourist money to the US. Not to mention your Euros go further here than our Dollars go in Europe because of the exchange rate.
And you can back those claims up with facts, right?

Just kidding! P.S. as of today the Euro is worth 10% more than the dollar. Kind of a large gap there, arithmetically speaking.
And maybe because the US has been footing the bill for the EU's defense for for over 30 years.
David Rice -1
Yea, moron. That’s the reason for the fee difference. You quickly prove you’re a moron with every post.
Because Europe needs America.
John Taylor 6
At first this made me angry thinking it was just a money grab by the Euro's but then found out we have been charging them $21 for the exact same thing since January 2009 under the ESTA program. I had no idea. So I guess it's only fair. And we're only being charged 1/3 what the Euro's are paying to come here. It's a shame either governmental bodies don't trust the citizens of the great Western nations to travel freely amongst each other anymore.
strickerje 1
I must admit I wasn't aware of this requirement for Europeans entering the U.S., but I still think it's just a cash grab (on both sides).
You’re be very welcome to come to the UK. No need for authorisation.
As a regular visitor to the States I can confirm that it is absolute hell to pass through immigration. The Agents are far from pleasant and welcoming.
Last time passing through Miami really made us question whether it was worth the effort!
John D 4
As an American, I am embarrassed at how visitors like yourself are treated.
Jim Allen 2
On the converse, a while ago, my friend and I went to Missqaua (yeah, I know I misspelled it) outside of Toronto for training and went through customs in YYZ. I went through no problem, they grilled my friend because they misconstrued that he was there for "work" when he was only there to take a one week training class. I don't know how much of it is procedural and how much is the personality of the customs inspector.
Tim Dyck 1
If he said he was there for work they are going to ask for a work visa and if he can’t produce one he is going to either have to explain himself better or turn around and go back to the USA. I use to have a work visa for the USA and there are a lot of rules and procedures that have to be followed when you enter another country for work purposes. Your coworker brought all that on himself by saying he was entering Canada for work.
Jim Allen 4
You know, there's a lot of truth to that, and I'm an US Citizen. A few years ago, I was in upstate NY and just felt like driving into Canada. No problem - crossed the border. I think I stopped at a Timmies and then crossed back over in Vermont. US customs grilled me like I should be in handcuffs, and rather brusquely as well. They asked me what I did - crossed the border, stopped at a Timmies, drove around for a while and came back. 100% true. I drive a minivan with clear windows for goodness sakes and it was my wife an I. What could we possibly have done.. grand total of probably about an hour. Yeah, I stashed up on Canadian pharmaceuticals in a place that had no pharmacies I was aware of. I bought a case of Canadian. I was going to say something, but I had no urge to spend the night in jail. There's a YT'er out there who crossed the border from Mexico, and they literally put her in cuffs while they searched her vehicle. You want to search my car, fine. Don't be a dick about it... I understand you have a job to do but a 55 year old overweight white guy and his wife really pose a threat to national security that you have to be a dick about it.
Kevin Smith 1
When border control is staffed by idiot trumpanzees.
SkyAware123 1
Funny, I've travelled it for 30+ years and never had an issue. You put up an attitude they will treat you bad. You just show them your documents and great them normally you get treated well.
I’m not talking about issues I’m referring to attitude. You should know all us Brits are brought up to be polite and always say hello. Being ignored and not spoken to isn’t nice.
PS Can I ask what nationality are you?
This also applies to UK citizens and many other countries. See
Indeed. As the link you noted makes clear, the ETIAS will apply to most citizens of ALL countries that qualify for a Schengen visa exemption. The fee will not apply to citizens of countries that are required to secure an actual Schengen visa.
Starting in 2024, U.S. passport holders planning to travel to Europe will need to obtain authorization through the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS). The online application process requires a fee and grants most travelers 90 days of travel within a 180-day period in participating countries. However, entry is not guaranteed, and border guards will verify that travelers meet the entry conditions. It is crucial for travelers to ensure accurate personal and passport details to avoid refusal of entry.
For someone who will be 78 in a few weeks I never understood how this country can have selective "screwing". I was born in 1945 through a midwife in Louisiana. At that time black midwives were not recognized so I have no birth certificate. That did not stop Uncle Sam from sending me to Europe for 4 years during the 60s without a passport. But my best friend lives in Edmonton, and I cannot go up to visit him, because I have never been able to obtain a passport. The church that has my baptismal records suffered a fire and those records were destroyed. So the only time I have been on a sea cruise was at government expense. I guess a charge for a visa would be welcomed by me, because it would mean I have a passport.
I'm sure it never stopped them from collecting income taxes either, did it?
AWAAlum 4
IMHO, the management of this website has allowed people to post significantly toxic comments. I do wish there were some standards set by which those guilty of such posts could be banned from using the site. I imagine tons of downvotes will appear now, but having just scanned over all of the comments here, I'm actually shocked and saddened with regard to so much negativity. What has happened to humanity?
Tim Dyck 3
This site used to be about the air industry and had very little politics. Now it’s gotten to much about politics and has very little good discussion on the air industry.
Maybe that would change if the government would stop regulating private industry into the ground.
AWAAlum 1
I mean this in the nicest possible way - but you are surely a glass is half full kinda individual. It must really suck to feel so negative.
Just as non-US folks need an ESTA when travelling to the US, at $21 every 2 years.
Greg Bunker 4
Shouldn’t be any big deal. It’s valid for 3 years and if you’re over 70 there is no charge. The cost is only a little over $7 so it won’t break anyone’s bank.
There are some advantages to being old!
Jim Allen 1
A lot of people seem to think it’s a big deal. I don’t get it. Yeah.. I’ve heard the comments everyone about getting boiled slowly so you don’t feel it. You want to know what pisses me off a lot more? My vet just told me that my kittens are going to be about $500 each to neuter and I have 2 of them. $500 vs. $7? Guess which makes me I’m getting bent over?
John Taylor 4
Just one cocktail on your flight is more than the fee. One less drink for some people might not be a bad idea too.
strickerje 2
I can't speak for everyone else, but I imagine the issue is feeling you're getting something for your money vs. being shaken down just because they can.
David Rice 1
$500 for spay or neuter? You have the wrong vet.
Your vet is ripping you off. Find a mobile spay and neuter service or use a city service that spays and neuters strays.
Many countries all over the world do not charge any fees , visas or airport taxes.
Many poor countries in the world including Africa, South America do not have the same opportunity , travel privileges or facilities when traveling to European countries.
Passports are sort out by their countries category.
They are screened, questioned or denied visas.
They are simply treated differently.
I am pretty sure that the US Intelligence Community will benefit from this data too.
As I said elsewhere in this thread.. THAT is the actual purpose of this program.
Before you join Fflght Aware , be sure to be Aware of your behavior and/ or actions.
I don’t understand why some members keep insulting each others and talk about unrelated issues .
Why does is have to be this way ?
It’s time for flight Aware to weed out certain members who are disrespectful or use profanities on this site .
Enough is enough .
Let’s keep this site clean and professional.
Tim Dyck 1
Sadly it appears too late for that. This used to be a site that followed aviation related news but the comment threads are often about politics that are not even related to the article posted. I left Facebook a long time ago but it appears to have followed me here.
The ETSA has been a requirement for travel into Australia for many years.
Just 1 more bit of red tape and no supprise.
Let’s fix the immigration procedure when arriving into the US then traveling onto another US city.
There should be a more simplistic and faster way to arrive.
Deb Brown 3
Sorry, haven't read all the comments, but if one is traveling to multiple countries in the EU, does one need authorization for each country? Or just one for the EU as a whole?

Since the EU is supposed to be one big entity, I would expect only one authorization. I may be going in the next couple of years and have two or three countries I'd like to visit. TIA!
Expectation fulfilled. It's only one authorization.
In 2050, the US, the EU and some other countries will jointly decide to eliminate the ESTA, the ETIAS and their copycats, and people will wonder "What was the purpose of this tax, anyway ?".
(Assuming automated face, eye, etc. recognition have not made passports useless by that time, that is)
AWAAlum 5
Can't say as I've ever seen so much fuss over $7.79 - particularly since I don't imagine many of us journey there very often. Pony up or hush up.
We Europeans must fill online the ESTA requirements (and pay the relative fee) when we travel to the US, so what's wrong with that ?
John Taylor 6
I had no idea that the ESTA existed until now. You're right, it's only fair. They say these fees are to ensure eligibility to travel but it's more likely just a way to generate revenue for both the US and the EU. Otherwise our governments don't trust each other anymore. Pity.
What is the actual purpose of the system and why is it necessary?

Please don't try tell me it's to keep track of who's entering the country or the purpose for their visit when anyone in the world can just walk across our southern border completely unchecked.

I imagine you have a similar situation in Europe, especially if you're from Germany, France, or the UK.
mikeenderle 10
It's going to be a strange time when greater freedom is found in the East and the Global South than in found in the enlightened democracies of the West.
A strange time that may not be long in coming if present trends continue

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godutch -1
Congrats on the -5 on the squawk must be well loved and respected (said no one).
Nooge 4
He is just whatabouting on Hillary as the indictments pile up
The Left:
2016: We've got him this time. Trump is going to prison!
2017: We've got him this time. Trump is going to prison!
2018: We've got him this time. Trump is going to prison!
2019: We've got him this time. Trump is going to prison!
2020: We've got him this time. Trump is going to prison!
2021: We've got him this time. Trump is going to prison!
2022: We've got him this time. Trump is going to prison!
2023: We've got him this time. Trump is going to prison!

Let me tell you what's going to happen. Maybe it will lessen the butt-hurt if you know ahead of time. Trump will continue to be indicted ad nauseam over non-crimes for the next several months. Sometime next year, he'll go to trial. If Jack Smith has his way, it will be as close to election day as possible. I predict September.

He will be convicted on at *least* one count. But Here's the kicker. There's nothing in the constitution that bars a convicted felon from holding the office of the Presidency. In fact, Trump could be sitting in jail and still win the election [feel free to fact-check that]. But of course, his case will be on appeal by that time so the conviction won't be final, and he'll win.

There will also be some type of national emergency very close to election day - most likely a cyber attack (Russia, of course) - which the goons in DC will attempt to use as an excuse to delay or outright cancel the elections.

Now for some high-octane speculation:
Since we were "attacked", we'll be in a state of war. This clears the way for the military to be active on US soil. In all of US history, we've never delayed or canceled elections because we were at war. But if there's no internet, how do we proceed?
Good ole paper ballots, hand counted, overseen by the military.

I may not have the exact details correct but I'm willing to bet something very close to this will transpire.


Just do me a favor. Bookmark this page, and set a reminder to come back and re-read this next year (November 1st-3rd should be good). Then, don't sit there wondering how I knew. Wonder about why you didn't.
AWAAlum 2
You've lost the plot. Lest you've forgotten, this website is Flight Aware.
Tell that to John Nooge.
AWAAlum 2
You're saying you're incapable of original thought...that you respond only to what others believe? Come on you're better than that. Or are you?
Uwe Behm 4
Americans??? From a European to all US citizens here:
At school we learned that America is a continent stretching from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, not too complicated. What have you been taught? Maybe something else and that's why you missed the fact that citizens of some other American states like Belize, Bolivia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Surinam even need a visa. As for citizens from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela (and some Caribbean island states), US citizens will soon also have to register before traveling. If you do not want the latter, you will certainly find another country in Europe that will allow you to enter without prior registration (UK, Ireland). Or travel soon because of ETIAS becomes operational in 2024, but with a 6-month grace period to allow travellers to become familiar with the new system.
If possibly lack of education: Dollars? Still known, but not accepted as cash anywhere. Bring €. Languages other than English? Yes, really!
Sadly your education system failed to educate you that there are THREE United States of… in what you call the “Americas”. Each is therefore known colloquially by the last word in their full name.
Two of them are in the continent of North America!

Brazil, Mexico, and America.
Jim Allen 0
You lost me on that one, if it’s what I think you’re saying I think it’s a bit pedantic.. but so was the original post. “America” is the colloquial term for the United States of America just as Xerox was the colloquial name for a copier. It means nothing more or less than that and it’s an accepted use. I wish I could think of an equivalent in Europe but I’m admittedly too ignorant to know of one.
"“America” is the colloquial term for the United States of America" In the United States of America, perhaps. Elsewhere, not so much. To the rest of the world, we are "the United
States." Sadly, many of my fellow citizens seem unaware that the rest of the world exists. Or if they do, they have a cartoon image of it bred from ignorance, xenophobia, and dash of racism.
Sadly the ignorance is rampant in ROW where they teach there are only 5 continents, they call all of the American continents America, and then tut tut at Americans calling themselves, correctly, Americans.
Like the OP.
Americans can’t be United Statesians or we would be including the citizens of Brazil & Mexico. Both of which are correctly called The United States of Mexico, amd the United States of Brazil. They are Mexicans, Brazilians and Americans in correct speech. Those who call them otherwise are ignorant or the victims of ancient political biases that have become culturally entrenched. Or both.
Correct. It would be like telling Germans or Italians they can't call themselves "Europeans".
John Taylor 0
North America and South America are two separate continents. North America consists of the US, Canada and Mexico only. Also, Canada and Mexico are their own sovereign nations and not part of the US. All those other places you mentioned are NOT US states but foreign countries with their own governments. There is no "Union" in the Americas like the European Union. Each country is its own entity. Maybe your school system gave you some bad information.
I cannot believe someone down-voted this statement. Did it hurt their feelings?
AWAAlum 2
And here I thought this cite was all about aeronautics. Silly me.
Joe Keifer 2
Aviation and politics should. It be mixed especially where safety is concerned.
Joe Keifer 0
Should not be mixed.
Joe Keifer 2
Just booked some flights to BDA! Talk about some thoroughly outrageous fees an taxes! Wow!
Over and above the usual soaking from the airlines? Just idly curious as I have no interest in ever going there.
Joe Keifer 2
More than $250 per traveler to the Bermuda government.
I can only hope this is done to put some pressure on the USA to stop this bureaucratic non-sense
Mike Head 3
Maybe so, but then why is Canada looped into this as well? Just wondering?
godutch -4
For the U.S. "to stop the bureaucratic non-sense" I agree. If this is a tit for tat, I think it's bullshit. No one has answered exactly why this is needed. Security? After they allow hundreds of thousands of southern and middle eastern immigrants that essentially walked across their borders with zero background checks? [Yes, JUST LIKE WE HAVE DONE IN THE U.S., AND STILL ARE!]
Refugees are specifically exempted from obtaining an ETIAS. See
John Taylor -4
Except most of the "refugees" invading Europe and the US are not really refugees.
Ken Jackson 5
So, all those thousands of terrified people are tourists, walking for 1000 miles, just to visit our National Parks and Disneyland. Noted.
Do pay attention to anything other than what the TV is feeding you? These people aren't walking thousands of miles. They riding luxury buses. Then they periodically all pile out and walk a few hundred yards for the camera in their flip-flops, with designer t-shirts, Disney Backpacks, and iPhones. Not a drop of sweat on any of them.

They aren't fleeing anything. They're being shipped, and paid to make the trip. It's well funded and very organized. You can pretend that's not the case, but your just lying to yourself.
You're really uninformed, aren't you? Is that on purpose?
AWAAlum 0
A genuine case of the pot calling the kettle black.
It's like many international political things. If a fair relationship should be equal, why sould other countries treat US as the loyalty and give US favorable policy?
US is the one not opening up to EU citizens, so why should EU give US citizens special treatment? Especially when some US citizens went though EU to join ISIS?
I love news outlets in US only report other countries' retaliation in the headlines but not report the US DONE FIRST in the same way. [E.g. China restricted rare earth material export AFTER US restricted high-end computer chip export to China.]
godutch 2
Maybe you missed my first sentence "For the U.S. to stop...I AGREE."
Typical Chinese propaganda. Go tie Xi’s shoelaces.
Nooge 2
You can tell those who get facts from Truth Social when they WRITE inaccurate lies LIKE THIS and after everything most know he still believes the con artist

Less than .1% of migrants intercepted in Mexico are “Middle Easterners”
Ana Campoy
PublishedOctober 24, 2018
This week started with president Donald Trump claiming that “unknown Middle Easterners” were traveling with a caravan of migrants making its way to the US. Yesterday, vice president Mike Pence said it was “inconceivable that there are not people of Middle Eastern descent in a crowd of more than 7,000 people.” When asked to verify those claims, a senior administration official suggested reporters get in touch with Mexican authorities to find out who is and isn’t part of the caravan.

The Mexican agencies that oversee immigration, the Department of the Interior and the National Immigration Institute, did not immediately respond to requests for comment. But their statistics show that while it’s conceivable there might be someone from the Middle East in the caravan, it’s also unlikely.

Out of the 86,000 immigrants that Mexican authorities caught traveling through Mexico from January to August of this year, only 72 were citizens of countries from the region covered by US Department of State’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs. (It includes Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestinian Territories, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.) That’s a sliver of the nearly 1,267 American citizens who were found to be in Mexico illegally during that period.

The vast majority of immigrants who go through Mexico hail from Central America, the data show.
There's nothing inaccurate about godutch's statement. Thousands of people from the middle-east have crossed into the country illegally. Who cares what the percentage is? It only takes one terrorist to blow up a building (And no, I am not labeling everyone from the middle east as a terrorist.. guilt by association is a leftist trait).

But what cracks me up about this article is that the author isn't the least bit concerned that 86,000 people are traveling through Mexico with the intent of illegally crossing the border.
I guess we're supposed to gloss over that fact so we can concentrate on Trump's "racist" statement. The whole thing is a deflection.

The other interesting thing to note is how carefully this line is worded: "Out of the 86,000 immigrants that Mexican authorities caught traveling through Mexico..."

What it doesn't mention is how many they *didn't* catch. This article is only concerning itself with the highly publicized "caravan" but in fact, there were ~683,000 encounters at the southern border in 2018 and they didn't all arrive via the caravan. So you can be damn sure the numbers presented here are misleading, to say the least.
AWAAlum 0
How can you mentiion how many they didn't catch if they didn't catch them. That'd be a neat trick.
Um.... because I can count?
The article says 86,000 migrants were caught between January and August.
The US Border Patrol counts over 680,000 encounters for the same year.
That means means about 594,000 people slipped by Mexican Authorities.
AWAAlum 2
Then if you can count, I guess it would be superfluous for the article to specify how many they didn't catch.
Would it? Because it apparently didn't occur to you before I explained it.. just like they hoped it wouldn't.
It's amazing how people down-vote factual statements over political bias.
In both the US and the EU, the influx of all these undocumented foreigners is both a humanitarian disaster and an extreme danger to national security on many fronts.

So quit pretending this is even remotely related to vetting people entering the country on business or vacation. You're either naive or just lying to yourself.
Right, because there is a large number of Americans who overstay their visas and emigrate illegally to Europe.
John Taylor 5
It's not a Visa. It's supposed to be to defray the costs of doing background checks to make sure you're not legally barred from entering the country.
Well, if that's really what this is about, and when they start applying that policy equally to EVERYONE entering the country (on both sides of the pond), maybe that fantastical explanation will hold up to scrutiny.
I don't know why people don't see the real issue here. This isn't about a small, inconvenient fee (which of course, is pointless). It's about more data collection and electronic surveillance. That's really all this boils down to.
€7, gee, imma boycott Europe!!!
Good grief, it's no big deal.
It’s the principle. Europe still owes a debt to America for its freedom.
C J 5
One could easily argue that America also owes a debt to Europe for its freedom.
I still recall the characture in the leading newspapers of the time ... the Paris Maitre de standing so elegant saying "Table for 300,000" as the Nazis march thru the Arch de Triumph! The more things change, the more they stay the same!
America has never actually been free from European rule. That's just a story we tell ourselves.
Jim Allen 3
Give it a rest, please.
C J 0
Are you...are you suggesting that we "give a rest" to history, Jim? Do you even understand the point I'm making and how foolish your response sounds?
Just a cash grab. The whole reason for a passport was a government document that proved citizenship. If countries wanted to require a visa to supplement income so be it. China, India etc been doing it for years. Now everybody is jumping on the “travel visa” bandwagon! New Zealand, Australia requires it as well.
If that EUs 3-year $8 visa is a "cash grab" what does that makes the USA's 2-year $21 visa?
Jim Allen 3
But it's $7. Yeah, I know enough guppies can swallow a budget but you should be much more upset about a $35 baggage fee than a $7 travel document.
Get real! The Tanjs have been charhing bisitors for the ESTA for years.

Jim Allen 2
So I need a $7 fee? What’s the story here? So I just can’t hop on a plane and fly to Europe from the States? Maybe the EU would be well served by pre-screening the people it lets in. I’ll pay more than that in a baggage fee. What am I missing here?
John Taylor 2
That's what the $7 fee is for; to offset the cost of screening who they let in before they get there and have to turn them around and send them back. I had no idea until this article that the US has been charging Europeans $21 since January 2009 for the same reason.
Uberto Canale 1
Hello to everyone; comment by an "European" often traveling to US. ESTA comes at 14 usd for 2 years. No problem anyway. Other Visas come at stellar prices. Only negative note is that most European countries still have no eligibility for Global Entry.
So what else is new? We have lost.
What else is new? We are losing.
Joe Keifer 1
Yes I suspect so.
Joe Keifer 1
Once they open the airspace, you can fly to Ukraine without a visa or an eta.
willfe 1
It's always fascinating to see reactions to complaints about new taxes. "Ha, ha, now *you* have to pay a tax too!" instead of "hey, this new tax sucks, and so does that other one, so why not work together to get rid of both?"

Crabs in a bucket mentality I guess. With a nice side helping of "I'm American and boy we sure suck don't we?" too.
I had not idea that people who came to visit were charged this fee...just go to the Southern border, cross illegally for free..makes no sense at all!
Ben Bosley 1
Can someone summarize the article. Not turning my ad blocker off.
Alan Zelt 13
What the U.S. has been doing to European travelers for several years, will now be done to Americans. Only fair.
godutch -5
So, that's your rationale, tit-for-tat? Sounds like retaliation and revenue generation more than a security check. You are against VISA requirements? If it's for security, hell, they can make the case and I'm all for it. I don't mind doing it if they can justify it. (For the record, I'm not for the U.S. requirement either...from certain countries.)
btweston 6
Yes. It is okay for the US to do things, but if other groups want to do those things it will make you cry.

Seems reasonable.
godutch 0
Read ALL of my posts again. This time read for understanding and clarity...if you can... AH
John Taylor 2
It's NOT a Visa.
Ro Bo 0
It is not about "fair: its about national security. Since the the EU / UN has liquidated the national sovereignty of all each individual state to control its own borders, then essentially opened the borders to illegal immigration from north africa and mid east, it created a vulnerability that he US needed to mitigate as they took a global lead on the war against terrorism.
Get a Javascript blocker, and when you go to a page such as this which want to force you to turn Adblock off, disable Javascript on it and it'll take care of it.
Skip the article and go to the source
Ro Bo 1
The EU and UN are merely proxies for the World Economic Forum pushing a single world government module titled "Globalism", which is essentially Communism at a global scale for the sake of "humanity" and "climate change". Continued implementation of stricter controls of liberty and freedoms across all facets of life both, public and private is the main goal. They are trying to limit the amount of private/recreational air travel to "save the planet". They also view population "REDUCTION" as a viable strategy to save the earth.
And this drivel has to do with the article because?
Ro Bo 1
" WEF trying to limit the amount of private/recreational air travel to "save the planet".
7 Euros are going to limit travel? I think not!
jena weber 1
No embarrassment here. People are literally dying to touch and remain on US soil.
Canadian immigration can be more like interrogation as per others. Stop whining, suck it up, fly on and enjoy.
Joe Keifer 1
The US House has stripped the language from the FAA's reauthorization act requiring the selection of air traffic controller based upon putting elements of DEI over and above other requirements like test scores and other qualifications applicable to becoming an FPL controller.

I for one prefer the controller guiding my flight to be qualified on his or her merits and not some other criteria that was in place back in 2013.
Can't read the article. It's adwalled :-(
Joe Keifer 2
Europe needs some money.
AWAAlum 1
Give it another go ... I hadn't had an issue accessing it.
Still adwalled. Wants me to disable my ad blocker or pay for access. Nope.
AWAAlum 1
It's a mystery ... I just tried and again, got in without a hitch.
Joe Keifer 0
The Adblocker detector detected my add blocker. Does this apply to all European countries or only member states of the E.U.?
Please avoid content that is ad-laden.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

David Bristol 14
The EU proposed this requirement in 2016 and voted on it in 2018. It has nothing to do with who the sitting US president is at the time. One could categorize it as retaliation for the US having a similar requirement for EU citizens visiting the US, but even that's not really the issue. This is not a visa, but an additional check, prior to travel. Again, much like what the US already requires.
Ken Jackson 4
MAGAts know nothing about the real world.
John D 6
I've heard it's hard getting out of a cult.
You know John, there are those like Nathan that are so blinded by the light…….they don't see the train coming.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Mark Schenk 3
I hope for your sake that your remark was meant to be sarcastic.
Tim Dyck 1
I hate to burst your bubble but not everything is about Trump or Biden or Obama or Bush or… USA politics is not the centre of the universe and other countries don’t make decisions about policies based on who sits in your White House.
D Rotten -1
Just another 'tax'. Individuals LOVE to be TAXED, when doing normal, human activities.
Tim Dyck 0
This also applies to Canadians. But it’s less than $10 so no big deal, many countries require a visa to visit.
Kevin Smith 0
Wow. There are so many trumpanzees screeching, jumping up and down and flinging feces here.
Tom Zaidman 0
Years ago asome airports due to extreme heat limited the number of passengers they could carry. Is this happening now with 100/110 temperatures, or today engines have excess power for the new temperature situation? Let’s change the conversation
Joe Keifer -6
Do they sell Bud Light in Europe?
Good Lord yes, they do.

There are so many real beers in Europe, I am distressed that Europeans would even think of drinking Bud Light Weasel pea. (miss spelled on purpose)
John Taylor 0
They'll have plenty for you.
David Purtz -2
And to think the United States shed thousands of lives, injuries, and blood in the defense of having a free Europe. President Donald Trump will stick this joke fee up their bums.
Tim Dyck 1
The USA broke away from Britain overs tax that was charged to pay for protecting the colonies from a French invasion yet Britain forgave them and moved on. The past is history and present generations don’t owe you SFA for what happened three generations ago.
Max Gold -2
Europe is making the rule to keep illegals, I'm sorry, Migrants from moving to Europe. This way they know who is who. Since Texas, Arizona and others are sending busses to NYC and Chicago they want to ensure NYC and others don't transport their problems overseas.

When in LA years ago we saw homeless with the bus pass from Chicago and was told cops bought the ticket and promised good weather.

Europe has already dealt with the Asylum issues by the boat load, they don't want our problems over the pond.
jena weber 1
They already have their own problems. It’s not working anywhere, think about it.
What they say they're doing and what they actually do are two entirely different things.
Anyway, they're only about 45 years late in reacting. Not that the US has done any better.
Chris Bryant -3
I noticed that the Republic of Ireland is NOT one of the EU countries that will require the visa. I guess they know on what side their bread is buttered.
Simple. ETIAS applies to the Schengen area and Ireland in not in the Schengen area.
John Taylor 2
Does Ireland require a Visa then? Asking in earnest, not sarcasm.
John D 2
Which Ireland? The north left with the UK, the southern part smartly stayed in the EU
Yes, because Nothing beats an unelected, centralized body of authoritarians deciding the fate of your country. I'm surprised you're not fighting to bring back feudalism, because that's exactly where they want to take you... except this time around you won't even have small plot of land to farm. Ask the Dutch.
I was just there, great place to visit. Far nicer than most of the rest of the EU, if not all.
I think the reason that for the Republic of Ireland the permission is not required is the common border with the UK. But I thinke one needs it to travel further to the EU.
patlamusse -7
I think this is a huge insult to USA citizen’s whose hard earned taxes go to finance a majority share of the NATO budget - not to mention the billions of USD poured into Ukraine because the EU countries have no money to assist. USA tourist are a soft target and the present US government is too weak to stand up for its citizen. As a USA citizen I will encourage my fellow country folk to boycott EU as a tourist destination - there are many better, cheaper and more beautiful places to visit in the USA - anyway most tourist destinations are now overrun by illegal immigrants who survive by preying on the so called rich US tourist and have turned most big cities in EU into shitholes.
AWAAlum 7
This identical post appears within the article...are you just posting the same nonsense wherever you can, or perhaps you've simply plagiarised someone else's idiotic thought.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Joe Keifer -9
How dare they! Europe should be proud to have us and our dollars over there!

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Ken Jackson 9
“Woke”. 🤣🤣🤣. I wonder what next months MAGAt buzzword will be? How about; “Squirrel!”?
Same thing, really.
If the term is so bothersome to lefties, they shouldn't have adopted it. Actually, they appropriated it from black culture, going all the way back to the 1940s. I thought cultural appropriation was a no-no. It was a few years ago. I can't keep up. The rules change faster than Covid guidelines did in 2020.
Nooge 2
Right facts are so bothersome to the Un -Woke ...up until 2020 we had brilliant COVID policy

Bleach Blue Light Ivermectin But golly jeepers don't follow science and get vaxxed or wear a mask
Yes, it was brilliant because there was no policy prior to 2020.
The woke don't deal in facts, as that statement proves abundantly.
Jim Allen 5
I can’t wait until the day “woke” goes back to being a verb instead of an adjective.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Jim Allen 6
Why are you complaining about $7? Just curious. Less scams? You ever heard of a place called Thailand?
You can afford to y=go to Europe and you are complaining about $7? Europeans have to pay a fee to come to the States...what is fair for them is fair for us! Come on man!

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

John D 15
aurodoc 8
Whoa there partner! As stated above if you are European you need to pay for a ESTA visa waiver to enter the USA. 21 dollars. My Hungarian daughter in law almost was denied boarding because of a screw up in the ESTA visa system. You may decide not to vacation in Europe because of this new requirement but the same thing can be said for Europeans traveling here. Right or wrong this is what governments are doing on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific and one can choose to travel or stay local.
John D 4
These same people complaining are the same ones who have rarely if ever traveled more than 50 miles from the town they live in.
Good riddance.
Although it's not yet active, the system is already working… it helps weeding out the Karens and Kevins.
With their son Kyle...just about everyone hates everything about KKK.
So, because of a fee of $2.33 per year (BTW, less than the U.S. charges for the same registration) you will cause an entire continent to suffer your absence? Or, will they benefit from your absence?
Robert May 8
based upon his reply I'd say we'll benefit by one less ugly American to poison the well for the rest of us.
They will suffer, as the Europeans need Americans to scam and to provide crap service to.
John D 4
Says the guy who's never been there.
No, I just grew up there. Next!
Ah, I see. You scammed people and provided crap service and naturally assumed your fellow citizens did the same. Explains a lot.
sensfan2513 2
Judging by everything he's said in this thread, scamming people and providing crap service are his better traits.
M.F. LaBoo 4
I'll have you know I spend $20,000 a year at Home Depot! I demand to see the manager!


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